Monday, November 25, 2013

A Song and A Bible Verse: 4 Simple Bible Lessons


Are you about to travel?  Is your family going to be out of  your typical routine? Picking a children's song and a related Bible verse may help you continue to teach your child the Bible during this busy time.
Sometimes in my family we need to keep things simple.  Simple may look like this: sing one song, read a Bible verse and then pray together. Doing the same song and Bible verse all week gives my girls a chance to really learn it.  This doesn't take much preparation, and our day is so much richer than if we had just skipped it.   During busy times, such as a holiday and traveling, speaking about God can fall by the wayside.  Choosing a song and a Bible verse at the beginning of the trip or holiday time and continuing to teach it daily can be a great help. 

1. He's Able

He's able, He's able,
I know that He is able,
I know my Lord is able 
To carry me through. 

He heals the brokenhearted
He sets the captive free, 
He makes the lame to walk again
And causes the blind to see. (Chorus)

Bible Verse: Ephesians 3:20
Teaching Ideas:
  • What does the song say our Lord God is able to do?
  • As you read Ephesians 3:20 put one open palm on top of the other hand.  Raise the top hand a step higher with each word: exceedingly, abundantly, above.  (refer to the sign language for "above")
  • God is able to do above what we ask or think! 

2. The B-I-B-L-E

Yes that's the book for me.
I stand upon the Word of God.
The BIBLE.  Bible!

Bible Verse: 1 Corinthians 15:1
Teaching Ideas:
  • The Bible is made up of God's Words.
  • The "gospel" is the good news about Jesus Christ.
  • Do we stand on the Bible?  No.  It means to live our life doing what the Bible says to do.  How have you been standing on God's Word?

3. This Little Light of Mine

This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine (x3)
Let it shine, Let it shine, Let it shine

Hide it under a bushel, No! I'm gonna let it shine (x3)
Let it shine, Let it shine, Let it shine

Shine all over (city), I'm gonna let it shine (x3)
Let it shine, Let it shine, Let it shine
Bible Verses: Matthew 5:14-16
Teaching Ideas: 
  • Jesus Christ was teaching his disciple on a mountain. (then read Matthew 5:14-16)
  • A "bushel" is a basket.  Does the light help anyone if it is hidden.
  • As we shine our light, we can glorify God. 

4. It's Bubbling

It's bubbling, it's bubbling
It's bubbling in my soul.
There's singing and laughing,
Since Jesus made me whole.
Folks don't understand it.
I can not keep it quiet.
It's bubbling, bubbling, bubbling.  
Bubbling day and night. 

Bible Verse: Philippians 4:4
Teaching Ideas: 
  • We can rejoice in our Lord Jesus Christ.
  • When we are born again we are made whole.  We have body, soul, and spirit. 

Maracas and homemade shakers.

  • Each of these songs can also be sung with a child's maraca or shaker.  You can make a homemade shaker by putting beans, lentils or rice in a plastic container.
  • He's Able -  Sing the song doing the motions with the maraca.  Example: walking the maraca along your arm. 
  • BIBLE - Sing the song holding one or 2 maracas.  Instead of putting up a finger for each letter when spelling, do a shake for each letter.
  • This Little Light of Mine - Pretend like the maraca is your "light" while you sing.
  • It's Bubbling - Hold one or 2 maracas while you do the hand motions.  It really adds to the sound of the "bubbling"! 

Related Post:

11 Simple Ways to Teach Your Child in 5 Minutes Or Less 

Thursday, November 21, 2013

The Really Big Book of Bible Story Coloring Pages - Resource Recommendation

When I need a coloring page, or a visual for a teaching "The Really Big Book of Bible Story Coloring Pages" by Gospel Light is the first place I look.  I've used the coloring pages to help teach the Bible to my daughters at home and also to children in the local Church. 

"The Really Big Book of Bible Story Coloring Pages" has  over 180 coloring pages from records throughout the Bible. It comes with a CD-Rom that you can print the coloring pages from your computer. If this particular coloring book is out of your price point, "The Bible Story Coloring Pages" has 120 similar coloring pages covering the main records in the Bible.  This one doesn't come with the CD-Rom, so you will need access to a copy machine.

What I like about the pictures:
  • The pictures follow closely what the Bible says over what tradition says.  In the pictures, the angels don't have wings, since the Bible never mentions them having wings.  When the Magi visit Jesus, the coloring page has him as a toddler, which fits with the Biblical record.
  •  Clear drawings.  I like the clean lines of the drawings.  It is easy to see what the focus of the coloring page is.  This also makes it easier for children to color.
  • Accessible to all ages.  The coloring book says that it is for ages 5-8, but I have used it for much younger ages.  The pictures are simple enough for young children to become engaged with them.
  • The coloring pages show the dress and environment of the Bible times.

How I use these coloring pages:

For Coloring
I use the pictures for coloring activity after learning a Bible record.  My daughters are 2 and 3, so they may only color for a short amount of time.  But they love their pictures and are so proud of them.  As they color the picture I can reinforce names, vocabulary and what they learned.  And later as they look at the pictures they colored, they remember and tell other people what they learned.  The above picture shows a 3 brad folder that we have been putting pictures in after they color them.  This has been an easy way to make a "book" about what they are learning.

Visuals while teaching.  
I started using these pages as visuals when teaching children in the local Church.  I have been so excited to see that with a visual, 1 and 2 year-olds can start to learn the Bible.  I color the page, glue it to a piece of colored card stock, and then laminate it.  Since it is laminated, I can hand it to a one year old to look at closely and it won't get destroyed.  Also it can be used for years to come.  

I know that laminating is beyond what most people need to do.  If you are going to laminate pictures, I recommend I started to color code the background card stock for easier organization.  ( I do Old Testament on green, the Gospels on blue, and the Church on orange). 

Some of the pictures I have numbered, then used to review the sequence of events with the children.  The kids love working on putting them in order.

What are coloring pages or visuals that you like to use when teaching the Bible?
Disclosure: I make recommendations on the basis of products that I personally use and that I think would be of value to the reader. I have no material connection to the brands, products, or links that I mention on this blog.

© 2013, Brigette Hill

Monday, November 18, 2013

"I Can Know God" For Toddlers

Today's post is a series of 5 simple teachings for toddlers to learn about God.  I took short activities, Bible verses, and songs from the "I Can Know God" teaching series.  Each of these activities could be done over and over again.  Toddlers learn best with lots of repetition.

Parent Preparation:
Day 1: Isaiah 41:10, Jeremiah 23:23-24
Day 2:  Jeremiah 32:17
Day 3: Genesis 17:1
Day 4: 1 John 4:8, Ephesians 2:4, John 3:16
Day 5: 1 Peter 5:7, Psalm 91:4

Supplies:  Bible.  Print out of teaching notes. Day 3: a heavy object, Day 4 a heart (drawn on paper, or cut out of paper) Day 5: a blanket

Day 1: God is Big 
  • (Play a short game of Hide and Seek)
  • God tells us "I am with you." Isaiah 41:10
  • When we played hide and seek, you could hide from me, and I didn't know where you were.  Can you hide from God?
  • No!  God is big.  He fills the heaven and earth.  God is so big that wherever you go He is going to be there with you!
Sing: "Bigger Than Big", by Jay Stocker from the "Whirl and Worship" CD

For further ideas check out "I Can Know God" Part 1: God is Big

Day 2: God is the Creator
  • One of God's names is "Creator". God made the heavens and hearth by His great power.  (Read Jeremiah 32:17)
  • (Go on a walk together with your child.)
  • What do we see that God made?  What did He use His strength to make?  What was He so smart to make? 
Sing: "God is So Good"

For further ideas check out "I Can Know God" Part 2: God is the Creator

Day 3:  God is Almighty
  • How strong are you?  What is the heaviest thing you can pick up?  (show your child a heavy object, have him/her try to lift it up)
  • Since I am an adult, I am stronger than you.  (show how much easier it is for you to pick up the heavy object)  Do you know Who is stronger than me?  God!  He is stronger than any person.
  • God told Abraham one of His names.  He said "I am God Almighty" Genesis 17:1.  Almighty means most powerful.
Sing: "My God is So Great"

For further ideas check out "I Can Know God" Part 3: God is Almighty

Day 4: God is Love
  • (show your child a paper heart) What shape is this?  What does this heart make you think of?
  • "God is love" 1 John 4:8.  When you see a heart you can remind yourself that God loves you.
  • God loves you with a "great love".  He doesn't just love with a little bit of love.  He loves you with a great love!
  • God showed His love for you by sending His Son Jesus Christ.
Sing: "God Loved Us" from Gospel Light Preschool Curriculum CD#1

For further ideas check out "I Can Know God" Part 4: God is Love

Day 5:  He Cares For You
"Under the Wings" activity:
  1. Take a blanket and spread it across your arms and pretend that it is your wings.
  2. Have your child pretend to be a baby bird looking for food.
  3. Pretend that you see a fox.  Call for your "baby bird" to come under your wings.  (repeat pretending there is rain, and a hawk)
  • God doesn't have wings, He isn't a bird.  A bird cares for it's babies, and God cares for you.  "He cares for you."  1 Peter 5:7b 
Sing: "Under - Psalm 17:8" from "Songs for Saplings ABC"  (this is fun to do while "under the wings")

For further ideas check out "I Can Know God" Part 5: He Cares For Me 

Related Blog Post:
11 Simple Ways to Teach Your Child the Bible in 5 Minutes or Less

© Brigette Hill 2013 

Thursday, November 14, 2013

He Cares For You

This is the final teaching in a series of 5 teachings teaching children about God.  This is aimed at toddlers, preschoolers, and young elementary, with plenty of room to adjust for the needs of your child.  I have taught this to my preschooler and toddler together.  If I was just teaching it to my toddler I would have simplified and repeat things a little more.  Going through the verses on your own first (as listed in "Parent Preparation") is extremely helpful in teaching young children accurately.

Theme Verse

"He cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7b NASB


"Under - Psalm 17:8" from "Songs for Saplings ABC" (on the website you can listen to the whole song)


Bible, blanket, print out of the teaching

Parent Preparation

Read:  Numbers 23:19, John 4:24, John 1:18, Psalm 17:8, Psalm 36:7, Psalm 57:1, Psalm 63:7, Psalm 91:1-4


Teaching Ideas

Day 1
  • The Bible tells us Who God is.  Is God a man?  Lets read this verse, it will tell us the answer. (read Numbers 23:19a)
  • So God isn't a man, what is He? (John 4:24)
  • Can we see God? (John 1:18a)
  • Sometimes God uses examples so that we can learn about Him.  Here is an example that God uses to show that He cares about us.  (read Psalm 91:4a)
  • Mom and dad birds hide their babies under their wings to take care of them.  God can take care of you because He loves you.
  • Our verse for this week is, "He cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7

Day 2
"Under the Wings" activity:
  1. Take a blanket and spread it across your back and over your arms to pretend it is your wings.
  2. Have your child pretend to be a baby bird looking for food.
  3. Pretend that you see a fox and have your baby bird come under your wings. 
  4. Repeat pretending that the baby birds have to come under your wings for rain, and for a hawk in the sky.
  • (Read Psalm 91:4a) God doesn't have wings, He isn't a bird.  A bird cares for it's babies, and God cares for you.
  • "He cars for you." 1 Peter 5:7
  • How can God take care of us?  We can go to Him in prayer and ask for help.
Day 3
  • (Read Psalm 63:7)
  • David wrote this Psalm.  He sang for joy when God took care of him.
  • "He cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7
  • God cares for you.  You can go to God in prayer and ask for help.
  • Repeat the "Under the Wings" activity. Then sing songs to praise God while under the wings.


 Activity Ideas

Craft: Write on a piece of construction paper "He cares for you." Have your child glue craft feathers around the verse.
Learn about David:  Look a pictures of David in a children's Bible or coloring book.  Talk about how God took care of David and how David sang songs to praise God.
Look at Pictures:  Show your child a picture of a baby bird under it's parents wings.

"I Can Know God" Teaching Series
1. God is Big 
2. God is the Creator
3. God is Almighty
4. God is Love
5. God Cares About You

 "but let him who boasts boast of this, that he understands and knows Me, that I am the LORD who exercises lovingkindness, justice and righteousness on earth; for I delight in these things,” declares the LORD." Jeremiah 9:24 NASB

© Brigette Hill, 2013

Monday, November 11, 2013

Songs for Saplings ABC - Resource Review

While sitting on the sand looking at the ocean my daughters sang with me and clapped, "The sea is His, for He made it and His hands formed the dry land."  My 2 year old and a 1 year old were just starting to comprehend this new place of sand and waves.  I was so thankful for a simple way to teach them a verse about God creating this beautiful place. A few days earlier during the van ride on the way to Florida, my family listened to the track "The Beach, Psalm 95:5" from "Songs For Saplings ABC" .  The song was simple enough that while on the beach I could sing along with my girls and talk about how God was big and strong to make the sea and the land.

The Words

The words of the songs are my favorite part of this recording.  All the song lyrics are verses from the Bible.  The reference of the book, chapter, and verse are included in the song, so that you can know where to look it up.  There is a link here to all the lyrics and the song chords.  Some of my family's favorites have been "Apple Psalm 17:8", "Bread John 6:48", "Friend Proverbs 17:17", "Under Psalm 17:8", and "Christmas Luke 2:11".  Sometimes we listen to the whole CD straight through. But I have found that we get more out of it when we pick one song to listen to and then sing throughout the day or week.

There are only a few songs that I have found to be aware of and check with in your Bible.  The words for "Obey Psalm 119:17" isn't directly from the verse. A few of the songs I don't use regularly because the context of the verse might not apply to everyday life. Such as  "Zealous, Revelation 3:19". 

The Music

The music sound is minimal with an acoustic guitar, a female voice, and children singing.  Many of the songs include clapping, this makes it lively and rejoicing.  Most of these songs can be sung acapella, without the recording.  This is one of my favorite parts about this music.  I love having songs that I can sing with my girls during daily life in the moment of whatever we might be doing (getting dressed, taking a bath, playing outside).  


The qualities I really appreciate:

  • Learning Bible verses.
  • Easy to sing songs.
  • Children singing on some of the songs. 


Finding the CD: 

The best deal for the music is downloading from the Songs for Saplings website for $6.  You can download the first 3 songs for free.  Also you can purchase songs individually. 

Related Post:

"I Can Know God" Part 5: He Cares for You

Disclosure: I make recommendations on the basis of products that I personally use and that I think would be of value to the reader. I have no material connection to the brands, products, or links that I mention on this blog.

© 2013, Brigette Hill

Thursday, November 7, 2013

God is Love

Teaching my daughters about God's love, makes me want to hug and kiss them a lot!  
Theme Verse:  
“God is love” 1 John 4:8


“God Loved Us” from Gospel Light Preschool CD #1.  When the song says “sing softer” crouch down low, when it gets a little bit louder stand on knees, when it gets even louder stand up and dance around.


A heart cut out of pink or red paper.  List of God's names (print from here) with a post it over “Heavenly Father”, picture of empty tomb (from Bible coloring book or a children’s Bible), and copy of this teaching.

Parent Preparation:  

1 John 4:7-16, Ephesians 2:4, Titus 3:3-6, John 3:16, Romans 10:9-10.  For further reference read “Part 2: A Great Love” from “Dwelling in God: A Study of Love” by Daniel J. Bader



Day 1 
  • (show the paper heart) What shape is this?  What does a heart make us think of?  
  • Our verse this week is “God is love” 1 John 4:8.  When you see a heart you can remind yourself that God loves you.
  • God loves you with a “great love”.  He doesn’t just love with a little bit of love.  He loves you with a great love!
  • God loved you first.  We are sometimes foolish and disobedient, but God loves us.
  • He loves you with the best kind of love.
Day 2
  • Let’s say our verse, “God is love” 1 John 4:8. 
  • God wanted to show you how much He loved you.  (read John 3:16)
  • God loved you so much that He gave His son for you.  Who is God’s son?
  • How did God give Jesus?  Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins.  They buried him in a tomb and after 3 days God raised him from the dead! (show picture of empty tomb)  Wow!  God did this because He loves you so much!
Day 3
  • God has lots of names. (show God’s names sheet) Holy Spirit, LORD Jehovah, The Creator, Almighty.  Another name for God is..(have child take off the post it) Heavenly Father! 
  • When you believe that Jesus Christ died for your sins, and that God raised him from the dead, you become born again.  
  • You are then God’s child and God is your Heavenly Father.  This is why we are so excited about Jesus Christ. 
  • “God is love” 1 John 4:8.  God loved us so He gave us spiritual live. God is a loving Heavenly Father.

Activity Ideas

God’s Love Playlist:  Make a playlist of songs that are about God’s love.  Listen to the songs together throughout your week.  Dance to the songs, play kids drums or shake shakers as you praise God for His love.

Heart Craft:  Draw a large heart on a piece of paper for your child.  Have your child glue pieces of tissue paper (or torn pieces of construction paper) inside of the heart.  As you do the craft talk about how hearts make us think of love, and that God is love.

Heart Hunt:  Look for heart shapes throughout out the day with your child and point them out to each other.

"I Can Know God" Teaching Series

 "but let him who boasts boast of this, that he understands and knows Me, that I am the LORD who exercises lovingkindness, justice and righteousness on earth; for I delight in these things,” declares the LORD." Jeremiah 9:24 NASB

© 2013, Brigette Hill

Monday, November 4, 2013

A Parent's Heart: God's Word In Our Heart, Deuteronomy 6:6

I love that when I teach my children the Bible, in the process I grow in my personal walk with God.  Reading the Bible and putting it in my heart helps me to then teach my children.  The time I spend reading the Bible can so easily be pushed out by the children’s needs, housework, or tiredness.  I have to constantly remind myself that I will do a better job as a parent when I put God’s word in my heart.
By Katie Zitelli

November’s verse to meditate on is “And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart” Deuteronomy 6:6
  1. Print out the verse. Half Page or Full Page
  2. Post it where you will look at it often this next month.  Last month I had it on the refrigerator, this month I’m going to try my bathroom mirror. 
  3. Meditate on it.  In the Bible "to meditate" is to think on and to consider the verse.   It isn't a passive state of thinking, instead you literally “talk to yourself” about the verse.

This verse follows last month's verse in a section in Deuteronomy 6 that has great guidance for parents.  This was written to Israel and not the Church, but there is still great learning for us.   "5 And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might. 6 And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: 7 And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up." Deuteronomy 6:5-7


What should teaching my child God’s Word look like in my daily life?  

Deuteronomy 6 gives a beautiful picture.  I love God with everything I have.  I keep God’s Word in my heart.  I teach my children God’s Word as I go through my daily life.  This sounds like a wonderful way to live!

"he (Moses) said to them, “Take to your heart all the words with which I am warning you today, which you shall command your sons to observe carefully, even all the words of this law." Deuteronomy 32:46
Again the heart is involved when parents were telling their children God's Word.  The parents were to "take to your heart" all the words.  And then they were to command there children to do God's Word. 

"For Ezra had prepared his heart to seek the law of the LORD, and to do it, and to teach in Israel statutes and judgments."  Ezra 7:10
To teach Ezra first was seeking God’s Word, he was doing it in his life and then teaching. The more that I am putting God's Word in my heart the easier it is to teach my children.   As I put God’s Word in my heart, and it becomes a part of who I am.  This makes it so much easier to teach during daily life. 


Want more Bible verses about the heart?

Throughout the month of November look for a daily Bible verse about the heart on Facebook page or Twittter.

Related Post:

1. A Parent's Heart: Love God, Deuteronomy 6:5
2. A Parent's Heart: Teach Diligently Deuteronomy 6:7  

Friday, November 1, 2013

What To Look For This November

New Ways To Get Updates

This month there are new ways to get updates of new post on Humble Hearts.  You can now follow on Pinterest, on Twittter, on Instagram, by liking the Facebook page and by signing up for emails (sign up on the right side bar). Look for new posts on Mondays and most Thursdays.

Posts To Look For In November:

  • Parenting Verse: Deuteronomy 6:6.  I've enjoyed meditating on Deuteronomy 6:5, and I'm excited about the next verse.
  • Completing the "I Can Know God" teaching series with "God is Love" and "God Cares About You".  What a valuable truth we get to teach our children.  God loves them.  So simple, but so important.
  • "I Can Know God" for Toddlers.  This will take the teaching series and simplifying it down for toddlers.
  • Resource Review of the CD "Songs For Saplings: ABCs".  This is a CD of scripture songs.
  • On  Facebook  and Twittter I will post a Bible verse each day about the heart.

Helpful Link

  •  At Ministry-To-Children they have a thankfulness calendar for the month of November.  The idea is to have your child write one thing each day that he/she is thankful for.  Even though my girls can't write, they love to see me write down words that they say.  I've printed the calendar out, and I will have them tell me one thing they are thankful for each day, and then I'll write it down.  Even if we don't remember to do it each day, I think that it will still be helpful.