Theme Verse: “When they saw the star, they were overjoyed.” Matthew 2:10 NIV
Printout verse
Motion options: “saw”- make fingers into a circle in front of eyes, “star” - wiggle fingers for a twinkling star, and “overjoyed” - shake arms and say “Yeah!”
Song: “Rejoice In The Lord Always”
(listen to the melody)
Rejoice in the Lord always; And again I say, rejoice.
Rejoice in the Lord always; And again I say, rejoice.
Rejoice, rejoice, And again I say, rejoice.
Rejoice, rejoice, And again I say, rejoice.
Parent Preparation: Matthew 2:1-12, Genesis 1:14; Jesus Christ's Birth and Childhood Series Overview
Supplies: Bible, children’s Bible, teaching notes printout
Day 1
- (Read the record in a children's Bible or Matthew 2:1-12)
- The Bible tells us about God and Jesus Christ.
- Who is Jesus? God’s son! (look at pictures of Jesus in the children’s Bible).
- We are going to learn about men called Magi (have your child say “Magi”). These were men that were so happy that Jesus was born.
- The Magi watched and studied the stars. God wrote about the birth of His son in the stars.
- (Read the theme verse.)
Day 2
- (Read the record in a children's Bible or Matthew 2:1-12)
- The Magi watched and studied the stars. God put stars in the sky for signs and seasons. (read Genesis 1:14.) God wrote about the birth of His son in the stars.
- By watching the stars, the magi knew that Jesus was born.
- The magi had to travel a long ways get to where Jesus was. They didn’t have cars, or airplanes or trains to take them there.
- They were traveling toward Bethlehem (read Matthew 2:9-10) They were so happy!
- (Have your child repeat the theme verse.)
Day 3
- (Read the record in a children's Bible or Matthew 2:1-12)
- (Have your child repeat the theme verse.)
- The Magi saw Jesus with his mom, Mary.
- When they saw Jesus he wasn’t a baby. He grew and was now a toddler. (list any toddlers that your family knows, and talk about what your child did as a toddler.)
- They gave Jesus gifts and showed respect.
Additional Activities:
- Star Gaze: Go outside in the evening with your child and look at the stars.
- Sing the song while playing maracas or shakers.
- Print out Matthew 2:10 on card stock
- Put star stickers on the paper. (make sure to press them all the way down)
- Paint with water colors on top of the stars. I recommend blue, purple and black (and covering up the other colors you don't want your child to use.)
- While it is wet, sprinkle salt on the water colors. (here is an example of the effect). We didn't have ours wet enough when we sprinkled, but it was still fun to do.
- When dry, take off the stickers and brush off the salt.
- (Alternative: paint dots for stars with Q-tips and yellow paint, like here.)
Related Posts:
Jesus Christ's Birth and Childhood Series Overview
© Brigette Hill, 2014
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