Monday, October 20, 2014

"Joseph Obeyed" Teaching Ideas

These teaching ideas for "Joseph Obeyed" relate to Jesus Christ's childhood.  On this website there is another teaching called "Joseph Obeyed God" as a part of the "Obeying God" teaching series.

Theme Verse: “But be doers of the word” James 1:22a ESV
Printout of verse

Monday, October 13, 2014

"The Magi Rejoiced"

Theme Verse: “When they saw the star, they were overjoyed.” Matthew 2:10 NIV
Printout verse
Motion options: “saw”- make fingers into a circle in front of eyes, “star” - wiggle fingers for a twinkling star, and “overjoyed” - shake arms and say “Yeah!” 

Thursday, October 2, 2014

October Newsletter

This week I am celebrating Humble Hearts' 1 year Blogiversary!!!!

A year ago I started this blog.  I have enjoyed so much sharing with you ideas for teaching children the Bible.  I have grown as a parent and also grown in my walk with God. That growth comes from the guidance that the Bible supplies. Thank you for reading, and more importantly, thank you for teaching the children in your life the Bible. What you are doing is SO important!
If you have any interest in blogging, some resources that I have found helpful are: 
Blogging On the Side (Blog and Facebook Group)
How They Blog (Blog and Podcast)
Highlights of this last month:

  • This last month I started the "Jesus Christ's Birth and Childhood" series.  Over the next year I will have teaching ideas that cover Jesus Christ's birth, childhood, earthly ministry, death, resurrection, and ascension.

What to look for in October:

  • Continuing with "Jesus Christ's Birth and Childhood" with: Anna and Simeon Praised God, The Magi Looked For the Savior, Joseph Obeyed, Jesus Grew
    • How To Make A Bible Verse Journal 
    • Toddler Tuesday
    • A Parent's Heart  

    From the Archives: 
    In October the world spends so much time declaring the power and might of scary things.  We need to continue to declare God's might and power to our children. You may find these two posts helpful:
    Declare God's Mighty Acts Psalm 145:4
    Declare God's Mighty Acts Part 2 

    ©Brigette Hill, 2014