Theme Verse With Actions: “I (point to self) have hidden (one hand behind the other) your word (make Bible with hands) in my heart (hands on heart)” Psalm 119:11a
Song: “Hide Them In My Heart” from Lava Lava Island Sing & Play Bay Music CD by Group Publishing. Video 1, Video 2 (I watched the videos with my girls, I don't own the CD and so I don't know what the CD is like)
I’m going to take God’s promises and hide them in my heart.
So I don’t forget I’m going to hide them in my heart.
I’m going to take God’s promise and hide them in my heart.
Hide them in my heart.
Parent Preparation: Psalm 119:11, Deuteronomy 6:5-6, Proverbs 4:20-23, 1 John 5:2-3
Supplies: Bible, Children’s Bible, printed out notes of teaching, wallet, phone and keys. For additional activities print out of picture of a Bible and a heart made out of construction paper.
Day 1
- Where is your heart? (have child feel heart beat)
- When people draw a heart it looks like this (show heart shape)
- A heart reminds us of our innermost thoughts.
- God tells us to hide something in our heart. (read Psalm 119:11a and teach actions)
- (hold Bible up to chest) Does this mean I put my Bible in my heart? No! This means that I think about what the Bible says.
- What does the Bible tell us? (God loves you, God hears our prayers…) We can think about what the Bible says.
- (Read Psalm 119:11a and do actions)
- What does the Bible tell us?
- (have your child look through a children’s Bible or coloring book, talk about things such as God is the Creator and Jesus Christ is God’s son. God showed love through Jesus Christ.)
- We can think about what we know about the Bible. This is hiding God’s Word in our heart.
- God loves us. We love Him and hide His Word in our heart.
- Why do you hide something? We hide treasures and things that are important to us.
- I hide and treasure my wallet, phone and keys. (show them to your child) These are important for the things I need to do. I don’t want other people to take them and then I wouldn’t have them to use.
- God’s Word is even more important than these things. We want to hide God’s word in our heart so we don’t forget it.
Additional Activities:
- Scripture Songs Playlist or CD - compile songs that are Bible Verses put to music. (refer to Songs For Saplings ABC and Hide Em In Your Heart Volume 1 and 2)
- Heart Pouch part 2: Make a heart pouch from “Love God With All Your Heart” teaching ideas. Print out or draw a picture of a Bible. Have your child hide the Bible in the heart.
- Heart Banner part 2: Make a heart banner from “Love God With All Your Heart” teaching ideas. For the second heart, color a picture of a Bible, or children reading a the Bible.
The Heart Teaching Series
1. Love God With All My Heart
2. Hide God's Word In My Heart
3. Praise God With My Whole Heart
4. God Looks At the Heart
"God's Word is..." Teaching Series
2. God's Word is Light
3. God's Word is Sweet
4. God's Word Stands Forever
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© Brigette Hill, 2014
Brigette - I'm loving this blog! Keep up the "heart" work! :)