Depending on where you live, you probably are like me and don't have flowers blooming right now. You can purchase a flower with your child, or come back to this in the Spring or Summer when you do have flowers blooming in your neighborhood. It is really a tangible example for a child to see.
Theme Verse: “the word of our God shall stand for ever.” Isaiah 40:8b
Song: “Harvest Isaiah 40:7” from “Songs for Saplings ABC”
The grass (the grass) withers (withers) and the flowers fall. But the Word (the Word) of our God (our God) stands forever. [2x] Isaiah 40, verse 7
Parent Preparation: Numbers 23:19, Psalm 19:9, Psalms 119:89-91, Psalm 119:151,160, Isaiah 40:6-8, 1 Peter 1:23-25
Supplies : Bible, a flower (from outside, or from the grocery store), print out of teaching
Day 1
- We are going to learn about how flowers fade but the Bible does not.
- Flowers are nice, but they do not last long. There are verses in the Bible about this. (read Isaiah 40:7-8)
- The Bible lasts forever. It is always true.
- (Pick a flower together, and set it somewhere in the house to watch it fade. Don’t put it in water, this will help the fading happen faster.)
- (check flower together and see if it faded)
- (read Isaiah 40:8b)
- Where do we find the word of our God? The Bible!
- These are not man’s words. These are words that God told men to write down. They are God’s Words and they stand forever.
- (check flower together and see if it faded)
- (read Isaiah 40:8b)
- The Bible lasts forever and is always true. The Bible is God’s Word.
- God loves us a long time. He will love you as you grow bigger. God’s word is true when you are a child, it is true when you will be a teenager, it will be true when you are an adult, when you are a parent, and when you are a grandparent someday!
- God’s Word always last, it is always true, and He always loves you.
Additional Activities:
- Go For A Walk: As you go for a walk point out flowers that are fading. Remind your child that God’s Word stands forever.
- Do A Coloring Page: Color a picture of a child reading a Bible, such "B is for Bible" or "Delight in the law of the LORD". Talk together about how we can delight in the Bible because it is God’s Word.
"God's Word is..." Teaching Series
1. God's Word is True
2. God's Word is Light
3. God's Word is Sweet
4. God's Word Stands Forever
5. God's Word is For Toddlers
© Brigette Hill, 2014
Great idea Brigette! Love how they can physically see the flower fade.