Thursday, July 3, 2014

July 2014 Newsletter

  • This month I will continue with the series "It Is Good To Sing Praises To God".  Last month it started with "Paul and Silas Sang Praises to God"
  • Looking for ideas of what to do with kids home on Summer Break?  Check out the Teaching Ideas page. 
  • Going on a road trip? Pick a Bible song and a Bible verse to be a theme for your trip. More ideas here.
  • Do you sometimes not know what song to sing with your kids? This month look for a song list of children's Bible songs.  First, I'll start with a list of titles. Then, as time allows I'll add lyrics.  I need to find out what is in the public domain, and for the songs that are not, who I need to ask permission to post those lyrics.  Please pray for this project.  I think it could be very helpful, but it feels a little daunting.
  • THANKS to everyone who took the survey! I will be using your feedback as I planning the upcoming content. I am so thankful for each of you teaching the children in your life God's Word.  You are doing great service in the Body of Christ!
Hill Family Update: 
  • My family had a great time recently with our local Church at a Family Camp.  We learned "By Love Serve One Another" and "Walk in Love".  Love is so important to God!
  • Recently I participated in a short Triathlon, where I swam, biked (on my cruiser!) and walked.  I found the challenge exhilarating. 

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